Understanding the Nazi Slogan “Blood and Soil” or “Blut und Boden”
One of the folks on Facebook didn’t seem to understand the context of “Blut und Boden” which is often the Nazi battle-cry at various gatherings across America. The term, “Blood and Soil,” is a particular extremist term when it comes to nationalism, and of course, racism.
What Do They Mean When They Chant “Blood and Soil?”
Those who chant “Blood and Soil” may simply be idiots who don’t understand what they’re saying. Or, they may actually agree with the propaganda. Either way, the meaning of “Blut und Boden” appeared sometime around World War I and Hitler based his nationalism on Blood and Soil. What it means is that true Aryan came from the earth and tilled the soil, aka farmers, in Germany. He tied the Nazis to the land, thus making themselves “rooted” the land. Those who worked the land were infinitely superior to those who did not. And Hitler pointed to the Jews as the main oppressors of the farmers who worked the land. To add more bullshit on top of bullshit, they furthermore believed that eugenics was the way to create a master race that was free of disease.
Why Blood and Soil is a Typically Moronic Idea
In the last 15,000 there have been three major migrations across Germany; two of the migrations actually came from the Middle East. There have been a bunch of “minor” migrations, where, if you were living in that time, probably didn’t seem so minor. Archaeology combined with genetic research has proven that Germany and other European countries were a melting pot of settlers and invaders from various lands. Likewise, the Germans went and settled across Europe and Russia. We know that Germanic tribes such as the Angles and the Saxons went to Britain. We know the Celtic tribes invaded darn near everywhere, but eventually settled in Spain and Britain.
So, the idea of having one true nationalistic blood is moronic. The idea that someone is pure “Norse” or pure “German” or pure “Aryan” is wrong. There is no purity. There is only a hodgepodge of genetics which includes DNA from all over the world.
Lastly, the concept of having the Jews oppress the farm workers seems bizarre. For one thing, Jews couldn’t own land in Germany, so the misfortune of the farmers occurred because of several factors which included the Treaty of Versailles.
Why Blood and Soil?
Why are Americans chanting “Blood and Soil?” I mean, Americans. I’m sort of at a loss to address why these morons chant “Blood and Soil.” That slogan points to the German land. We know Americans of European descent have no prehistoric ties to North America, so shouting “Blood and Soil” is inherently stupid. Okay, maybe your ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, which puts your claim around 1620 (and they were English, not German). So, you have about 400 years of history in America? What about the Native Americans who have more than 10,000 years of history here?
Bad Ideas Heaped Upon Faulty Information
So, the Alt-Right are clearly wrong when it comes to their heritage and their claim to the land. Nobody is “racially pure.” Nobody. We’re all a bunch of mutts. Deal with it.
That being said, once you hear those idiots spout their ideology, you can smirk and know that they’re not just wrong, but fucking wrong.
One thought on “Understanding the Nazi Slogan “Blood and Soil” or “Blut und Boden””
Yeah, and it’s really disturbing just how many people believe in this garbage nowadays. Check out Varg Vikernes and other folks on Youtube (Thulean Perspective). Holy shit, look at the comments. It’s stupid, the amount people believe what he says without question. It’s not just him, of course.
I just don’t get it. WHY do so many people get the “stupid disease”? Has researching things gone the way of the dinosaur?
Hail Wotan!