Shit! The Runes DO Work
Fucking freaky. Occasionally the Runes remind me I’m not just screwing around. Like the time when I asked them who was guiding me with the runes and they spelled out Thor’s name and gave me Tyr’s rune.
The Beginning…or Why I Consulted the Runes
The gods know I could use help. My pagan series has been going along just fine, but money is always something I need. This is how they decided to help me, and the rune reading associated with it.
Some Background
As you may know, I read a lot of pagan and nontheist blogs. After reading another pagan’s blog, I was reminded I need to provide more consistent offerings. So, I chose the thing that is near and dear to my heart: tea. The gods gets the first cup in the morning, or when I refresh the tea leaves, once weekly. Preferably on Tuesday, because Tyr.
Weekly Offerings
I’m still new at this regular offering thing, but with the exception of providing the offering a day late, and the little matter of my spouse using the offering bowl for salsa (ahem), it seems to be going okay. I pretty much just offer the tea. No pleas for the winning lotto ticket, or anything like that. Oh, maybe a thank you for keeping us relatively healthy, and a generic, “please keep us safe” kind of thing. I don’t do ceremonies or make lofty speeches. I figure they know what I need probably better than I do.
Email Out of the Ether
So, a few days ago, I got an email from a publisher. That makes me sound much more important than I am, so don’t be too impressed. Anyway, a publisher wanted me to work on a project provided that their Powers-That-Be approved the proposal. It’s an update of some work I did more than fifteen years ago.
Where’s the Work?
So, I panicked because I had no idea where the original work ran off to after so many years and computer deaths. All I can say is thank the gods for PC Mover. Despite me not wanting to move everything to my new computer, that’s what it did. Again. And again. And again. The original documents were on my hard drive, passed along from computer generation to computer generation. Which means I have copies on at least four hard drives. And now, Dropbox.
Consulting the Runes
At this stage, I was somewhat ambivalent about what I should do. My pagan urban fantasy series is going well, and even my spouse thinks it’s time for me to focus on it. But…the amount I could bring in for four months of Hel might be worth it. I suspect that the work offer had to do with my offerings, but I wasn’t sure. I needed to consult the runes. Big time.
My Reading — I Shit You Not
First Rune: Matter Under Consideration: Ansuz
Ansuz means message, writing, and language. Sometimes from the gods.
Second Rune: What will affect the matter. Either positive or negative: Gebo
Gebo means gift and partnership. Something given in exchange for a partnership. Business or personal.
Third Rune: Upcoming elements. Outcome: Eihwaz
Eihwaz is a rune of defense, protection. Can be associated with good outcomes. I stared at the first two runes and wondered about Eihwaz. It suggests that I need to go carefully into this. But it is likely to be positive.
I asked for clarification and pulled the rune Uruz.
Uruz is strength, but it can also mean upheaval in some ways. Yeah, taking this project on will definitely change things. But again Uruz is usually a good sign for me.
Why I Got Freaked Out
When it comes to the first two runes, the reading was spot on. I mean it’s about a writing project and a partnership. The Eihwaz simply tells me to be careful, which I know, dealing with publishers. For someone who reads the runes, having the runes spell out what was going on was freaky. It’s almost as if the gods said, “look you skeptic, we’re going to make this ridiculously clear so even you can understand.” In other words, every time I try going agnostic, a god hits me over the head with reality. Sheesh. You think I’d learn.
Then, Eihwaz
I was about to leave this on a positive note, but then the publisher decided to lowball me. Well, Eihwaz is once again spot on. So, I don’t know. But I do know the runes work, when asking questions that are important. I’ve occasionally got a garbled mess when I’m unfocused, but often it has to do with another matter that is more pressing in my life. So, I wait and see. Maybe they come back with a sane offer, maybe not. Maybe the gods just wanted to remind me not to be agnostic.
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2 thoughts on “Shit! The Runes DO Work”
I’m new to the runes myself and when I dumped the set purchased recently out of the pouch, only three runes landed face-up. Tyr was at the tip-top of a rough triangle on the table and as an old bleeding heart liberal I thought, well what else could it be.
But I’m also an order within chaos type of person, so doing any kind of spirituality is hard for me. And truthfully, I don’t see a purpose in for myself. I’m more thinker than doer…ie, lazy. 😉
Sadly, where I live, there’s not much heathen fellowship other than a few meetups that are Wicca oriented. I’m not attuned to magic and again, don’t do rituals.
A fun thing I like to do is watch movies and assign which god is telling the story. Like Norma Rae is a Tyr, she singlehandedly fights for a union for her family and co-workers. Ferris Bueller is the lovable, mischief maker side of the mercurial Loki, while Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction is his more sinister fixer side.
As for Justice Tyr, he went dark in the NT myths, but I think he did so on purpose rather than the folks forgot about or rejected him. Of course, they all did once Christianity moved in.
Anyway, I’m enjoying your blog and even ordered a book recommended on this site. Thx.
Thanks for the comments! And welcome to runes!